Rewarding Romney after his inventing RomneyCARE/ObamCARE
and imposing gay marriage (YES, BOTH are GOP inventions)
led to his attacks on Gov. Palin and Obama as pRes_ _ent.
The GOP/Romney did it again two years ago.
The magic is that idiots still
support the DNC/GOP/UN agenda.
I look in the mirror and say what lousy job I did that we got Romney. Even Newt would have been better. This time so far I like Cruz. He's probably not perfect but seems to be the best of the bunch.
As for an agenda personally I support a conservative agenda.I do my best to get the GOP to see the light of day.It's a slow go but I do what I can as often as I can.
You are one of the smartest guys I know here and I respect your opinion. But I can't sit home because the GOPe are a bunch of a-holls. For me I have to do a better job.