The problem I have is, why do we need gvt $$$ for housing? The private sector will build housing, if allowed, and it will probably be superior to any "public housing" the government funds. Whenever government gets involved there are always strings attached and they're never put in place to benefit the community. Maybe I'm just overthinking this.
Not a good sign that the politicians’ reaction to the North Dakota oil boom is to spend like crazy.
The RINOs here in ND are crying like Democrats for affordable housing, etc., yet they defeat most attempts by industry and private developers to expand housing in a rational manner. Town and County fathers howl like banshees when a “man cammp” or long term hotel type housing is proposed. I am getting fed up with the bunch of leftists running this state.
Get the government out of the way and let the private sector solve any issues.
Have property? build housing.
Need schools? charge tuition.
Need workers, raise salaries until you get them.
With all the money being made, there is ample available to PAY CASH for what they need.
Don’t go down the road of “Build Now Pay Later” Bond issues for everything under the sun.
It’s tragic that places that experience a large increase in population don’t seize the opportunity and build NO godless fornication centers. What a golden opportunity this is to increase the number of children being educated without government.
For temporary quarters, lay in a lot of RV parks. These workers can afford them for short term housing.
Once more permanent dwellings are available they can sell them to the newcomers, and so on.
Is it safe to assume that 800 million has been collected by the state in taxes since the boom began? Would this not be money that IF not for the companies and people doing this work and SPENDING for the essentials of existing the demand and MORE employment would not be there? I have been to North Dakota and I really enjoyed the visit, alot of very , very nice people . So the 800 million is (I hope) taxes collected because of the oil and the things needed to obtain it..sales tax etc.... with all of this work available and then construction ...medical....everything we do to make life nice will put even MORE money into the states general fund would it not ? I mistaken ?
Hmmm... I worked for the Caterpillar dealership that provided the Alaska pipeline all of its equipment (1970s)...There were similar problems (housing) there...I am wondering how Alaska govt handled it at the time...I was too removed to know.
ND wants public housing??