Is anyone else tired of the same shtick every 2 years? “Vote Republican or the Democrats are gonna get you!”, and then you have to hold your nose and accept the politico hand-picked by the party bosses. And when someone threatens that sweet set-up a la Chris McDaniel in Miss. those “leaders” will not only ally themselves with their brothers-under-the-skin Democrats, they will use the SAME tactics we’ve come to expect from the left, like flooding the Rep. primary with Dem. voters, calling fellow Republicans racists, etc.
The GOP has been infected by the rot of corrupt power-hungry individuals, and the only cure is amputation. Refuse to re-elect those who care more about keeping their jobs than doing their jobs. It may hurt for 2 years, but if we continue on our present course there may not be a real GOP in the future, just a collection of pretenders who wallow in their offices while getting their marching orders from the other side. Real close to what we have right now, isn’t it?...
Well said. Exactly.