After alerting his raters to the latest misinformation from their enemies/participants - the apparent fable that climate science has texture - Cook observed: "This underscores the value in including the category "humans are causing >50% of global warming" as I think it will be interesting to see how many papers come under this option (yeah, yeah, DAWAAR)." Well... (FYI, I have no idea what DAWAAR means - anyone know?)
It stands for "Dana and Wendy are always right" Dana is Dana Nuticelli (sp?) who is basically an idiot from Australia who thinks he knows everything about climate science when in reality all he has is blind obedience to the mantra of doomage. Wendy is Wendy Carlisle who apparently knows even less about the science but is a prolific author of screeds of doom. Needless to say, a person (like Cook) would have to be pretty stupid and biased to think those two dofusses are right.
Hmm, I may have the wrong Wendy. Wendy is also the name of John Cook’s wife. Since John really worships Dana the pseudo-scientist, the Wendy must refer to his wife rather than some other fiction author.