Obama won’t put any boots on the ground in Iraq, a war zone that needs our troops on the ground, but he will put troops on the ground in Liberia to help fight Ebola, a different kind of war zone but equally if not more deadly. And subjects our troops to danger in a job that is totally outside of the purview of the military’s raison d’etre.
This President is star raving bats, or in the alternative, totally malevolent and actually hates our troops. He hides it with phony stage managed medal of honor ceremonies in the White House for political purposes, while sending our military men and women into the Ebola Valley of Death. I loathe this man and his thug regime. This pansy, throws like a girl, exercises like a swish, barely a man, more of a child, inwardly ugly, poor excuse for a human; infantile, cold, selfish, obnoxious, fatuous, putrid piece of human flesh not fit to lick the boots of even one of our military men, deserves to contract this deadly virus before any one of our soldiers ever does. Ditto for the servile satan lovers that surround him. There, I feel better.
Standing and applauding...brilliant assessment.