Largest oil reserves in the EU.
I am wondering if they’ve grown tired of Great Briton’s group hug with Islam. I know I would be sick of it.
Why would this be? There are two reasons. First, smaller countries are often more responsive to their people. The smaller the country the stronger the policy feedback loop. Meaning truly awful ideas tend to get corrected earlier.
Sounds like this liberal group is making a strong case for state’ rights.
As the author points out, any small nation can succeed, but Scots will need to lose their addiction to welfare and government employment first.
These things are based on debt and money printing - and that would quickly turn small Scotland, without the ability to issue debt in their own currency, into Zimbabwe.
And that’s where the SNP is lying to the people.
There are downsides to Scotland's prospects as well, not the least of which are what appears to this outsider as a shocking lack of actual planning for success on the part of the separatists and failure on the part of the unionists. If at this late date all any of these can speak about is what "might" happen there is very little room for an informed vote. Forming a newly separate country is not really a time for winging it.
Scotland has, to be sure, enough natural resources to provide a cushion provided they are not squandered in the name of ideology as they have been in Venezuela. Were it not for the EU and the Euro one might suspect this to be the day of the Scottish Pound; that will be one of the first things that will need to be worked out in the event of a separatist victory. One hopes that somebody in a position to do something about it has thought the matter through.
Either way it works out, my best to both parties. It is always awkward watching friends orbit around a divorce.
Imagine the uproar in England if Scotland and Ireland combine into a commonwealth and even Wales makes a bid for this. The Queen will wet her pants.
For a country with only 5-6 million people, it is amazing how many Scots are all over the world, especially in North America, Australia and New Zealand.
Benjamin Disraeli made an interesting statement many years ago: “It has been my lot to have found myself in many distant lands. I have never been in one without finding a Scotchman, and I never found a Scotchman who was not at the head of the poll.”
Still Report #322 - Scotland: Black Swan?
Are there any Muslims in Scotland?
No, so they must be defended by the countries that can maintain world-wide daisy-chains of military bases.
The Scottish Nationalist are NOT a bunch of freedom loving free market capitalist conservatives....They are big government welfare state leftist.
Here are some of their platform.
1. They fear that welfare payments will be cut. Instead they pledge to increase welfare payments.
2. They claim that the government is planning to privatize all or some of the National Health System. They pledge to expand the NHS.
3. They want Scotland to adopt the Euro and give more power to the EU.
4. They want open border immigration.
5. They want no waiting period for immigrants to get benefits.
6. They want to nationalize major industries and banks.
Is Lichtenstein?
Is Lichtenstein?