A distinction without a difference.
It’s being passed via public taxis in Monrovia.
Precautions sufficient to prevent transmission of HIV, also not airborne, have proven insufficient to prevent transmission of this strain of ebola. Just ask all the dead and dying medicos. Including western trained ones. I’m not ready to believe that hundreds of trained medicos all made the same exact type of mistake.
Also note how MSF garbs their people. They are going way beyond gloves, mask and gown. And so far have lost the fewest members to this.
I’d listen to MSF, they’re probably the organization with the MOST experience actually TREATING this disease.
Incorrect. The CDC is on the forefront of this. Emory has experience actually curing (at a 100% success rate) the Americans who contracted it and who got to the Emory Campus. The Emory hospital is joined at the hip with the CDC. The CDC has 60 on-site people in Africa, and 400+ are at work at the Emergency Operations center.
It is not “a distinction without a difference”. As you know, if the virus were airborne, a large proportion of Africans would be dead now — millions or tens of millions — not a few thousand.