I think I am going to convert to being a libtard. Then nothing will ever be my fault ever again.
There are cultures that make sure the progeny are educated and can produce value that people will pay top dollar for at any cost. There are also cultures who do not value education, and their progeny fail to graduate even from high school in numbers greater than 50%. It is quite possible to earn a great living and contribute great value to society through trades such as plumbers and electricians, and many other things that can totally be done without even a high school diploma, even some high tech can be had for those dedicated enough, but the anti education cultures do not embrace these paths either. So yes, there is inequality, as some cultures contribute value to society in many different ways while other at most contribute no value, but contribute negative value. Of course there is a tiny minority who do get ridiculous perks for no contributed value (ie Chelsea Clinton), but their numbers are tiny compares to the masses, and presumably the person who pays the Chelsea believes they are getting a value from the arrangement (access to Billary).