I am not making anything up. I am just stating how the process works and what the various reports state.
When you choose to donate, you can select one of two options, one-time or monthly. You can pay by mail, credit card, or paypal. The credit card and paypal contribution will be done on a certain day of the month specified by the donor. It is up to those who pay by check to decide when they will send in a contribution.
The names of the monthly donors are listed on post #189. The scoreboard reflects contributions from one time donors, and monthly donors. The Quarter to date receipts reflect $63,638.11 (includes monthlies to-date) and the Monthlies $11,348.00 (pledged, not actual receipts). Again, this is not my language or description but comes from the scorecard. I don't know where those who wish to contribute one time by mail-in check would be reflected in terms of receipts or pledges.
The Free Republic 3rd Quarter Fundraising Target: $85,000 includes receipts & Pledges to-date: $76,638.
The monthly donors are just that, MONTHLY DONORS who do not have to pledge each month because they made their monthly donation promise and stick to it. They do NOT have to pledge before each donation because they are MONTHLY DONORS.
The scorecard breaks down actual receipts, which includes monthlies to date, and monthlies, pledged not actually received. I didn't make this description up. It is part of the scorecard.
I get the distinct impression that you are trying to find out who gives and how much. You will never have access to that information, so you may as well give it up now, nosy parker.
Your impression could not be more wrong. I could care less what others give. I know what I give. It does bother me if only 5% of the members are donating to FR and the other 95% are getting a free ride. If I have to increase my $200 a year, I will, but there is something wrong if we can't get more members to contribute something.
And as you have been told over and over, the monthly donor list, post #189, is not part of the scorecard. Why do pretend you don't know that?
The monthly pledges total lists the total of all current monthlies that have been pledged and actually received at least once by credit card, paypal or check. If a monthly has been pledged but declined or otherwise never received, it is not included in that total. If the monthly is declined, expired or cancelled in a later month, the total is reduced automatically.
The donor list includes all credit card donors whose pledges cleared and the donor checked the box to use his screen name on the list. Unfortunately, it does not work for paypal or mail-in donors.
Also, unfortunately. it only includes monthlies in the month the pledge was actually made.
But we have a list of monthly donors where the monthly donors can have their screen names listed by request.