Actually, leftists now blame the “insurance companies” for all of the Obamacare problems. It’s code for “we want single payer.” This way it becomes acceptable to criticize Obamacare even though they voted for the Marxist.
My wife and I have an individual policy. So far we've been able to keep that plan. We've been told that we don't have to become obammycare compliant until 2017. So I'm not part of the obamacare pool, yet my insurance company raised my annual premium almost 40% when obammycare went into effect.
Its all a racket.
What do the leftists expect when there are no pre-existing conditions, tramsgender reassignment surgery, and birth control added PLUS the Feds trying to get in on the action and profit from the healthcare premiums by knocking the out of pocket and deductibles up through the roof. The Feds don’t want to pay your medical bills. You can’t afford Obamacare? No problem. They’ll just send you a bill penalty for almost 10K for a family of 4 if you can’t afford to pay the bill. Obamacare is a racket. The Russian and Italian mobs are kicking themselves for not thinking of this sooner