Watch out for those whales.
But what about the whales and dolphins?
I believe H&K has a Spec Op’s underwater pistol firing a bullet designed to create a supercavitation bubble thereby permitting it greater range than an ordinary bullet fired underwater.
Babylon fell in one night. Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin
LOL the Chinese are usually relatively sane even with their grand plans but this is Iran level stupid.
Ejecting gas through the nose (or mouth) thereby creating bubble of surrounding air, and a super cavity in its wake... Obama?
Basically, the equivalent of a sub-space bubble allowing the Enterprise to travel at warp speed...
If the sub is under water there must be a source for the gas to be ejected from the nose?
What am I missing here ?
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
All this courtesy of the technology stolen from the US,Britain,Germany and Japan.Remember,boys and girls...every single Chinese diplomat,businessman,student and tourist in an industrialized country is engaged in *some* kind of spying,either industrial,diplomatic or military.
Financed by trade surpluses with the US and other developed nations over the past few decades. Not to mention untold amounts of reverse engineered technology and technology stolen by various other means.
Rather than create an air bubble in the water through which to travel, why not just travel through the air ala an aircraft?
I think they are on to farts in the bathtub are super cavatating
The bad news is that it is theoretically possible if you can pack enough propellant on a sub and still have room for crew or payload. The good news is that it would be a cinch to find... The soviets tried super cavitation torpedoes in the ‘80s but they proved impractical. It sounds scary though.
Ping! To a submarine thread. This should sound familiar to you.
A supersonic airplane has a smooth deceleration to subsonic then to landing speed. I imagine the transition from supersonic to full stop in a submarine would be severe. As soon as you lose the supercavitation effect, that water is gonna catch hold and slow you down in a hurry.
Sounds like typical planet-killing Chicom pollution.
Will this mean the end of “a slow boat to China” phrase?
Interesting. Sorta like wrapping the ship in a subparticle displacement field, keeping the ship in bubble of unaltered space, in order to exceed the speed of light and to jump to warp speed.