>> One does not sit down to a scotch and soda to get blitzed
Scotch diluted with soda water? I disagree — dare be nottin pophisticated bout dat!
One does not necessarily sit down to a neat single malt to get blitzed.
>> One enjoys the scotch for the taste.
Emmett kind of jumped the shark on this one.
I don’t like drugs and I don’t think they should be legal, for a variety of reasons. But, c’mon... people drink alcohol PRIMARILY for the buzz. There is a whole spectrum of psycho-states between stone cold sober and falling-down drunk, and some of those states have their place in polite and responsible culture.
“Consider alcohol. Consider a suave scotch and soda. One does not sit down to a scotch and soda to get blitzed, unless one is a veritable drunk.”
The author shoots himself in the foot right there. He wants to compare the two, but then he only wants to compare them on his terms: civilized scotch & soda drinkers who meet his criteria, versus all pot smokers in general. You can’t learn much if your analysis is that flawed from the get-go.
How about an honest comparison, including all manner of drinkers, not just your civilized sippers? A “pot party” may seem less civilized than an upper crust cocktail party, but what about a frat boy kegger, or a bunch of homies with their 40 ouncers on the stoop? Or the local winos who gather under that overpass?
What a stupid statement.
Proof the author doesn't know what he's talking about. Edibles take much longer to show an effect, which is why people get in trouble with them. "I don't feel anything. Let's eat more."
All those folks throwing up on Bourbon street 365 days a year are so veddy veddy upper crust.
I especially like how the author brings Michael Brown into the discussion, because he certainly is representative of all pot smokers.
Scotch, scotch, scotch. I love scotch.-Ron Burgundy, Anchorman
Ah Hell, just go to the expert on alcohol vs. pot.
We have one in the White Hut.
While we’re at it, axe him about cocaine.
Even by the standards of anti-pot propaganda, this is incredibly mindless. It has two completely unproven assertions - that most don’t drink scotch to get hammered and most (or all) who smoke marijuana do so to get falling down stoned. In my very long experience as a drinker, a marijuana smoker and observer of those who do both, these assertions are idiotic. People can and do use alcohol responsibly and people can and do use marijuana responsibly.
It is entirely possible - and constitutes at least 90 percent of my marijuana experience - to blow a bong hit or even two and be able to enjoy a book or engage in conversation, just as it is to kick back a couple of stiff drinks without any particular problems with intoxication or stupidity. It’s quite similar, actually, except that marijuana doesn’t make me groggy or give me headaches. I don’t much like alcohol and very rarely touch the stuff anymore.
The real killer, though, is the utterly nonsensical last sentence. How are marijuana and Colorado in any way germane to happenings in Missouri right now? Quite simply, they aren’t. I defy anybody to logically explain how they can in any way be linked.
Yes, I know, R. Emmitt Tyrell is a fascist from way back. I guess he’s bitter that people used to think he made sense and that’s very definitely not the case anymore.
Nothing street about it.
It is a very well known fact when buying the stuff or buying the seeds on the internet. It is also a well known fact the THC blood tests are increasingly prevalent.
Who would ruin a perfectly good scotch by adding soda? :-0
Some of us drink Scotch ... because.
One of those authors who I wish would STFU and go away. They obviously know nothing of what they write.
Good scotch (single malt) is properly ‘opened up’ with a few drops of distilled water, not diluted with soda water. Not to dilute it but to make the aromatic elements more volatile and detectable.
Marijuana is neither completely harmless nor especially dangerous. As with nearly everything, moderation and more moderation is the key to enjoyment, no one getting extremely stoned every day is going to make much of their life, with the exception perhaps of some entertainers or such, but the occasional toke is not going turn someone into a slacker or drug addict.
Dude! There are some people that have been smoking dung for years.. Unintentionally of course, You think oregano is bad.
lol. way to show you don't know what you're talking about.
Suave??? Really?
Heaven forbid!!!
Scotch and soda is a heinous barbarism!
Scotch (or any other worthwhile aged liquor) should be consumed neat.
All else is rank heresy.