With a screen name like yours I'm willing to assume that you know a lot more about Texas...and Texas politics...than do I.However,it *must* be acknowledged that this very same pig *succeeded* in ruining Tom Delay,politically speaking,using the very same tactics.Are you saying that she won't succeed in her attempt to ruin Perry *politically*? I understand that she may not succeed in having him do jail time.I'm not even convinced that she wants to see him do jail time.I'm talking politically.
You can’t equate Perry with Tom Delay, who was tarnished even within his own party. Perry is the real deal, and he will turn this thing around and become everyman’s hero. He’s got balls and integrity. He’s not slick, which is what hurt him the last time, but we aren’t in the mood for slick right now. We need someone with the guts to do the right thing, every day.
Rick Perry is not Tom Delay.
This attempt to destroy him will fail. Has more to do with his backers and political clout than some misfit judge.