I don’t blame him for anything anymore. I’ve come to the conclusion he is an Islamic enemy agent, basically because it’s the truth. So when you realize that you realize he is acting as ANY enemy of the US would act which is to destroy the USA which he is doing quite effectively.
So when that happens, who do we turn to? We turn to Congress. Congress is a line of defense made up of and by the people. Congress is the messenger boys and messenger girls that you and I hire. Only they are not doing their job to remove this piece of rat slime from office. So what can we do? We call our reps 24 hours a day 7 days a week like I do. I email them, and call them and constantly get on their ass to remove the enemy agent from office. It’s very simple, just look on the internet to find out how to contact your rep and you get on his or her ass 24/7. Make his or her life a living f*ckin hell on earth. FORGET Obama! We KNOW he is an enemy of the USA. The problem is no longer him, the problem is Congress who refuse to remove him from office!