Yes, I do. I wrote a paragraph or two spelling out exactly why I thought Duey was a better choice. I thought you said you read my posts.
He (Duey Stroebel) has little experience as a legislator and even less success.
Again, I've already stated my preference for a citizen legislator like Duey as opposed to a career politician like Grothman. I'm not sure what you mean by your measurement of success comment.
Hes authored 3 Bills under Walker vs. 50 for Glenn. Hes untested. (He wasnt there for the lockout at the Capital.)
No, Duey hasn't been in the Legislature for more than a decade like Glenn, so I don't really expect him to have authored a bazillion bills. And no, Duey wasn't holed up in a Capitol office during the Unionista sit-ins, which occurred before Duey ran for the Legislature. I'm not sure what test occurred that Glenn or Duey or even Leibham would not have met in a similar or identical fashion.
As my husband asks, Why would a guy with 8 kids want to go to DC?
Among the positive messages Duey highlighted was that he wanted to go to DC to work to make a better life for his children and the children of his constituents. Duey vowed to spend only as much time in DC as required, so that he could come home to his family. Glenn will have a much less pressing need to return home to the district.
Duey is likeable (or was) but his campaign this cycle was atrocious. Im glad he lost. Im just sorry that he undermined Glenn.
None of the 3 major candidates were clean on that count. Grothman's ads slagged Duey and played just as loose with facts and perceptions. If you want to fingerpoint, it would be accurate to say that Duey's ads "started" it. Again, this is where I think Duey went overboard on bad advice from a bad campaign manager.
It really showed at the poll where I worked. Glenn won both boxes easily, but Duey had a stronger showing in the box where the people had never been represented by either of them. I think that is where Dueys negative campaign paid off.
I disagree. I think the Milwaukee radio talkers (Sykes moreso than Belling or Weber) took greater exception to Duey's ads. Sykes was especially smarmy in his reaction (note Charlie's apology today for his unfunny personal attack on Duey's children yesterday). I think the radio talkers' overreaction drove more negative reaction than the actual ads. Sykes has always disliked Duey, but perhaps Charlie's bile was more of an attempt to increase talk radio influence on the seat by kingmaking a Milwaukee exurban politician supported by more listeners to prevent victory for Leibham and his supporters on the fringe of the Milwaukee radio market. If so, it's quite possible that the talkers would have broken bad on Grothman instead of Duey if Glenn had "started" the mudslinging.
But not enough to win, and there are many people who will never forget it. (or forgive)
And there are those who won't forget that Grothman cravenly jumped ahead of Stroebel's informal candidacy into a race for a district in which Glenn did NOT live. "Politics ain't beanbag" as the saying goes, but Glenn broke a lot of political etiquette with his move. Political and industry professionals like myself notice things like that. This is where I advised Duey to focus any "attack" (along with the weird, loner wonk tag) on Glenn, but understand that it is a more esoteric distinction. Instead, his advisors pushed him to inaccurately lump Grothman together with Leibham.
We can count on Glenn... be crass, blunt, brusque, clumsy and sometimes unintentionally offensive in his public comments at perhaps the most inopportune time. Just a prediction - the next time the GOP has a down year, Glenn will be vulnerable (more than Stroebel and Leibham would be) to a Democrat challenger from Winnebago or Sheboygan County.
Glenn's not an awful choice for the district. Just like Sensenbrenner, he's just not a really good one.
FGS — Glenn has represented most of that district for the last decade. It is just a fluke that the legislature redrew the lines to excise Glenn out of a district that he had represented for a number of years. They excised me out of Duey’s district at the same time and gave our area to Dan Knodl in Germantown, leaving Glenn with no constituents in Cedarburg or south of Pioneer. In fact, I don’t think he has any constituents in Ozaukee County at present. I think his current district (as redrawn) is strictly Washington County.
Glenn has been a devoted legislator to our area for years, whether he’s representing us, or not, and is well known. He shows up at every meeting and discusses the ins and outs of Madison to whomever will listen. And he doesn’t show up at strictly Republican gatherings either. I’ve run into him at Farm Bureau, at Book Club discussions, at Maxwell Street, at the NRA convention in Milwaukee a few years back, at the County Fair. He’s always ready to explain what is happening and to listen to our concerns.
Glenn didn’t author 50 Bills over the last 10 years. He authored 50 Bills for Walker over the last 3 1/2 years, the same amount of time that Duey was there.
Glenn crafted one third of Walker’s legislative agenda that put us back on a firm fiscal basis. Joe didn’t do much during that period either. I’ve forgotten the exact number, but it is in the single digits. Glenn is a leader. The other 2 are back benchers.
I don’t listen to Charlie Sykes often, so I don’t know what you are talking about. But I thought Duey’s first TV ad (baseball theme) was just awful with his youngest child screaming “You’re out!” That was pretty ugly, and I’m glad he pulled it off the air finally. But that doesn’t excuse him for all the lies he told about both Joe and Glenn. He should fire his campaign manager and apologise.
BTW, I signed Duey’s nomination papers.