So, let’s talk the Finland education system and why it has successes. They basically offer nine years of education, and then you are finished with high school. You either go onto an academic program which has the destiny of college, or you go onto a vocational program which means you learn something of a trade.
Within the US, it means that we’d dismiss thirty percent of all teachers for high schools, get rid of sports within high schools, and open a major trade school in every single county. You want to be a loser at age sixteen...fine...go onto Burger King and don’t worry about a trade.
We’d all stand up to support such a measure...but teachers won’t like it....the NCAA football complex won’t like it...and the general liberal mentality of voters won’t like it. So Finland has their success story and we have our less-than-successful story.
Don’t the Germans do much the same thing? Where in the world did we get the idea that EVERY kid needed to go on to college?
Not many black kids in Finland’s schools, I’d imagine.