Well - the SMART women know about the nothing box!
I think the whole discussion is pointless. In GENERAL, I think that men’s brains are better at certain things, and women’s brains are better at other things. Probably why marriage is so important to society - as the “two become one”. Of course the same is true for businesses that incorporate the brains of both men and women.
And I can sort of give Michelle a pass in the offhand “joke”. But then realize as another poster said, what if some white guy made the joke that whites are smarter than blacks? Perhaps I have become too adapted to the the “men are idiots and losers” concept that permeates TV, movies, etc. Not that I agree - it just doesn’t bother me. Maybe it should more.
I can honestly say I agree with everything you just said and I am staying OUT of this debate in a serious matter.
Another point I have to watch is to make sure my young son understands the “men are idiots and losers” concepts on TV, movies, etc...is not true.
We are always introducing him to great men of history who knew what it meant to be a man. And of course the men in his life are the best examples.