Seriously asking this? Because Jews are HATED worldwide, and always have been. The U.S. is among a mere handful of Israel's allies. The world hates Israel so much, that it actually considers it just to create a 23rd Arab state by vivisecting the ONLY Jewish state. This is why Rabin and Peres' treachery was SO devastating. THEY made it possible for the phony "PAlestinian" narrative to gain credence.
“Because Jews are HATED worldwide, and always have been.”
Why? I ask all the time but I never get a good answer.
I have my theories from the little I know from history and
my own personal experiences with them but nothing on the
level of hatred to the point of wiping them out. I know to
be very wary when doing business with them and like muslims
they always want to wheel and deal after the work is done
and it’s time to get paid, no matter what was negotiated
beforehand. That’s it. That’s all I Have. Otherwise, to me,
they are no different than say mormans.