Very well said, Bray.
and, of course, correct.
There’s one hole in all of this debate as I see it. (as I type this dog gets up and walks into kitchen, comes back, lays down with a grunt. human starts hitting that keyboard, so she thinks, no chance of food on any level).
Understand I am trying to look at the glass as half full. you are right about the reason, loose but true, that Romney lost.
What is missing here, at least in terms of the pubs, is a LEADER.
Actions must be taken now that require first-an acknowledgement that we can’t play chess by the rules if the guy we challenge has all Queens. It’s not a gentleman’s world. Lying is not dishonorable; it is a fine tool to win the game.
second, adjust the rules of play that they may win for god’s sake. Sit around and spin up things like this admin does. Man they’re so good at it my mind boggles.
A good leader, and right now I don’t know what it will take, maybe a mass outbreak of Ebola, god forbid, that will unite the entire country....but a good leader will be he or she that can lead the troops and convert the populace.
like what you wrote....why can’t a repub go out and mention that impeachment of Bush....get sound bytes, sight bytes....I saw a few mentions of it but again, the Dem spokesnoids are so good. I bet in practice they make them stare straight ahead at something.
“Now when Gregory asks you about the Bush impeachment, stare straight ahead and say, over and over...’nancy Pelosi said impeachment was off the table’....even though she never did.
The repubs need to practice this stuff.
Alas, the very nature of the conservative sorts, using the term loosely for a moment here, is that they are independent, tend to want glory alone and not share. Add to it this current crop of content RINOS up there and we are indeed, playing poker with a pinochle deck.
I still think its a mistake to depend on the driveby media to get any of our messages out. We have to do it ourselves as we do here.
An Ebola outbreak will decimate the cities, and stop all public transportation in its tracks.
The retail sector will probably be suspended as well.
No, it is not...due to the lying Marxists, who believe "the ends justify the means".
Lying is not dishonorable
Yes it is, not to mention it is sinful
it is a fine tool to win the game.
No, there is no need for our side to engage in it.
The truth about RATs is vile enough, and telling the truth really p!$$es them off.