Most politicians today lie, or at least make promises that they are unlikely to be able to keep. It’s not a problem in a vacuum; it is one facet of a general loss of godliness.
Loss of Godliness? Have you ever worked for a livin’, preacher? Yet, you, with no good idea- denigrate generations of slave servants. You curse your brethren, with backhanded bible bullying. Tell ya what, slimshot- give us a story, of your own. Let us, all see; your understanding of the human condition.
What you say is true but I know of no other politician who so blatantly made promises that could be kept only by an OMNIPOTENT BEING. Even more disturbing is the number of both professed believers and ATHEISTS who seemed not to notice that he was claiming that he would do what only God could do.
Obama supporters seemed to be walking in a fog, completely unaware of the total reality of what was happening and anyone who still supports him is either totally divorced from reality or has something to gain by doing so. There are some now who claim that anything that is not perfect about Obamacare is the fault of the Republicans who voted AGAINST it.