“Let us pray that God saves this nation.”
Instead of praying that God intercedes, you conservatives need to get off your fat, useless asses and get involved politically in your neighborhoods. Stop remodeling your stupid kitchens, stop watching sports, throw out the damn barbecue grill and get involved locally.
Elect a constitutional sheriff in your counties, show up at the local county board meeting and demand they lower your property taxes and present yourselves by the thousands at your schoolboard and demand they stop brainwashing your kids - or else.
One thing I dislike about conservatives is that they love and worship Mammon more than God, liberty and their children.
(Not directed at you, Gumdrop, this is simply my general rant against lazy, stupid conservatives.)
What a confused post, Sarge! First you tell people to knock off the praying then you accuse them of not liking God as much as money.
I don’t know where you’ve been since 1998 but FR has some of the most committed activists anywhere in the USA. There have been freepers down at the border protesting this month alone - where have YOU been?
Oh, and while I’m not all that interested, I wonder just how fat and useless your ass is. Sheesh, what an obnoxious post.