Rumor is they have dirt on Boehner that’s shutting him up. Something about pictures with a hooker...
Or he’s just weak.
The Republican establishment showed in Mississippi it, too, is working against conservatives or anyone that won’t do the bidding of the elites that actually run the country.
We have a fraud democracy. Two parties, both wings of the Big Government party that runs everything.
The peasants from central America are being brought in to water down the white population and create a future class of Democrat voters. First generation Hispanics work. By the second generation they’ve learned from the blacks and are in similar numbers on welfare and in prison.
After watching the guy cry on National TV a hooker would be an improvement to his image.
>> pictures with a hooker... Or hes just weak.
Not that much of a distinction.
Doubtful and dubious. Where in uncharted territory and Boehner is petrified.
Lets start this thing off with a vote of no-confidence in Boehner.
Hispanics actually do good, and work hard. Most Mexicans I meet are good decent people that work hard, and don’t commit crimes. Blacks on the other hand, I am in a town that does not have a huge black population. But what I do see makes me ask ho w anyone can live like that, listen to their cRap music, rolling dice, calling each other the n word.
We need patriots, and let's dump the rest.