Since you are so determined to falsely accuse Congressman Royce of being weak on immigration issues, despite his excellent record on immigration, it makes me suspect that maybe immigration is not YOUR real concern. Perhaps you are just another isolationist who strongly opposes Royce's foreign policy, so you accused him of caring more about Ukraine than he does about the border. You tried to present a false dichotomy that those who support a strong foreign policy are weak when it comes to defending our border. But you were clearly wrong. Royce is strong on foreign policy, and strong on defending our border as well.
“You’re wrong. I am strongly concerned about illegal immigration and defending our border.”
That must be why I’ve never run across you on any of the border threads over the years. It’s due to your overwhelming concern in the issue.
Ed has “strong concern” like yours. Empty words when nothing is at stake. He could have wielded influence when Dubya was ignoring the law for eight years and trying to push amnesty instead. GOP pushback was needed to make Bush enforce the law. Why didn’t he speak up?
Or more recently when Boehner made known his willingness to cooperate with Obama on “immigration reform”, aka amnesty- think you can find a juicy quote where Royce takes Boehner to task for that? Good luck junior.
I know my own concern with Ed Royce. He’s my Congressman and considering the massive presence of illegal aliens in California he should be demanding that American immigration law be enforced. And that’s deportation, the word no one can find Ed mentioning. Not even a fanboy like you. Why is that?
And BTW, just who is your own Congressman? You’ve avoided answering several times. Are you hiding that for some reason?