Someone thinks about it? I guess I have to add that to the list of guilt I carry around with me now. You know, slavery guilt, white guilt, white privilege guilt, "I managed to succeed in my career" guilt, denial of climate discombobulation guilt and on and on and on. Geez. I sure feel guilty today.
1 posted on
07/23/2014 8:03:33 AM PDT by
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To: rktman
POLL: USA Leads World in 'Climate Change Denial REALISM
To: rktman
lol :<) - You forgot eating meat; liking Sarah Palin; enjoying fishing and hunting; cutting your own Christmas tree; and an odd assortment of other grievances.
Yup. We conservatives really have a load of guilt upon our consciences. Are you feeling like a white, parochial school girl now?
37 posted on
07/23/2014 10:12:33 AM PDT by
To: rktman
With the rest of the world hogtying themselves with this stupidity how can we not bounce back after Obama is gone?
39 posted on
07/23/2014 2:15:27 PM PDT by
(Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
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