“Four major USA airlines suspended - indefinitely - all their flights to Israel on their own and before the USA officially announced anything.”
IDIOTIC MOVE...but yes, they’re free to do that. If there were a REAL THREAT, Israel would shut down their operations. A rocket landing a few miles away is not going to take out a plane on final, and if Hamas had manpads in striking range of a major airport, they would not be waiting until now to use them.
But the good side - those IDIOT AIRLINES are going to learn a VERY TOUGH LESSON from this stunt - they will find people (like myself) will no even consider booking them to fly to Israel, even though I have enough points to fly my wife and myself for free (or close enough to free). I simply won’t trust them to be there for me.
So El Al, and by extension, ISRAEL, will be the BIG WINNER from this stunt in the long term. Don’t be surprised if El Al starts flying some of those same planes.
You got it, this could help make EL AL come out smelling sweet as a rose.