United Arab Emirates pledges $41m aid for Gaza reconstruction
Guess those tunnels, bunkers and missiles will be reconstructed/replenished in short order.....
Send cement for schools, they have tunnels to rebuild
total insanity on Obaba’s part....not one dime of that money would ever go to humanitarian anything...Hamas will cash the check and begin to rebuild their tunnels and rocket inventory.....PATHETIC
Will Bill O'Really chide his good-boy/bad-boy buddy Obama for not being "fair and balanced" in lavishing "emergency" tax money only on one side in this war?
I wish someone on our side would take the initiative, and instead of saying “$47m”, say “all the income taxes paid by people in the state/county/city of X were sent over to Gaza . . .”
In these days of computerized everything, you’d think our side could come up with specific amounts and associate them with some part of the electorate.
If they would start personalizing these millions, it would make a bigger impact. Peoples’ eyes glaze over at the million/billion/trillion descriptions, but if you put it in terms of THEIR money, specifically, maybe some of the will start to yell “Hey! Wait a minute!”
Hamas sacrificing peon lives for IDF urban renewal