How far away from Daddy can we stay......... ??
Wha’ Happen?!?!?!
Frickin’ butthole!
I can’t wait to see the Paultard contingent try to spin this one...
Never trust a guy with all first names.
I don’t think Putin pulled the trigger, but I do think he armed the people that did pull the trigger...
Why that crazy old fool. McCain Tells Ukraine Protesters America Is With You - December 2013
Paul reminds me of Chomsky defending the Khmer Rouge back in the seventies. Whatever we did, what right does Putin have in getting involved? Paul ignores Putin’s obvious strategy of reinstituting the old Soviet empire with himself as the new czar.
There is no evidence tht the US sponsored the change in the Ukraine government.
Ron Paul is unaware that Ukainians view Russia the same way that the Jews view Germany. Many millions of Ukranians were starved, deliberately, by the Soviet Union.
If there hadn't been a 'regime change', the Ukraine would have taken a large loan from Russia, making it a vassal state of Russia.
Ron Paul is ignorant. But he is trying to shift blame to the US, which has almost no involvement in the Ukraine. He sounds like a liberal
Ah ha, the strange and mysterious workings of the human (?) mind. Yanukovych, the Ukraine patriot, never mind that he was a Kremlin crony and out and out thief, our oh so competent CIA and the war like EU all directed by our overly intrusive president. Ron hasn’t changed. Rand is showing signs that it’s contagious. The question now is, “Will the Paulistas rally again?”
Rand Paul should never become president because his attention needy father can’t keep his looney ideas to himself. He would be an ongoing trouble maker.
the sad truth is, Russia has more credibilty than the US government....
The Paulista stoopid.
That does it. As if there were still any doubt!
This senile a*****e suffers from the same affliction of that other one, Harry Reid.
Might as easily blame the mass murder on Orville and Wilbur Wright!