You’re a hoot. You combine the mind of Rasputin with the duped logic of a Putinista (all the people of the former Soviet Union, according to you are Russians) and then want to lecture on LBJ. You’re risible Rashputin the Putinista propagandist.
My handle is one I've had since a couple of jokes made by the team I was on were going around on Arpanet back in 1983 and has nothing whatsoever to do with the historical figure to which you refer.
While somewhat understandable that it would be mistaken for some sort of reference to the nutcase from Russian history, the connections someone ASSumes somehow relate speak volumes about the person making the ASSumptions.
Especially when they also include the usual trivial stupidity and garbage lies about my being a "Putinista" to entertain the other stupid little kiddies who haven't thought anything through for themselves since their mother stopped changing their diapers for them.
Have a nice day