That's twice!!!! Not trying to be funny, merely pointing it out....
Hate to say this....but, I am leaning toward an onboard bomb. Malaysia has a large population of Muslims....a good number of them terrorists. Plus they can move fairly freely between Malaysia and the Netherlands (Holland). Am still troubled by the first Malaysian aircraft loss, and Obama effectively preventing the USA aviation authorities from getting involved in the investigation of the aircraft loss incident. Remember...the aircraft a Boeing, B777, is an American made aircraft and three passengers on the ill fated aircraft were American. Obama wanted nothing to do with it!!!
My point is, the disappeared aircraft may not have crashed in the ocean...but diverted to an abandoned airport, somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The Muslim terrorists then had an aircraft to intensely study on how destroy it with a strategically placed onboard bomb. Then..a test run on another Malaysian B777, out of Amsterdam, Holland, blowing the airplane up over the Ukraine, making it look like the Russian or Ukraine military did the horrible deed!!
You figure it out....next stop....Europe or the USA!!!