Well, of course. I think it is a great idea. After all, these people are just sweet, wonderful people, trying to escape all the bad stuff going on in their countries, and didn't Jeb Bush say it was an act of love too? I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Come one come all, no need to bother with the border, just print yourself out a form and get a free pass. Zero will claim to have first found out about this in the morning news.
Can you use the same form to vote?? Oh wait you don’t need ID to vote because that is racist! Nevermind. /s
It wasn’t intended this way, but TSA rapidly went from a security agency to a public works project. It’s now just a means of employing people so they’ll vote for the politicians who appropriate funds.
A few middle-eastern terrorists masquerading as illegal teenagers would never think of hijacking one of these airliners.
The TSA is a joke - and so is this administration - but yet, for whatever reason, these people keep getting elected over-and-over again - and therefore, the nonsense with TSA will never be directly dealt with...they have a “govt form” - no different than a ID - which can also be faked...
I wonder if the TSA would extend the same courtesy to a visitor to the USA from some foreign place like Paris or London.
I alluded to this here, assuming someone else had posted it
This is bad for another reason as well: TSA personnel must have a minimum level of dedication to their job. Morale, if you will. This will destroy that remaining morale of the staff tasked directly with security. As I wrote at the link above, the problem is like a plague, spreading to other agencies.
It’s going to get worse and we’ll likely see the result in the very near future in some form...
The TSA did not just wake up one morning and decide to do this on its own. Orders were issued, and they followed a chain of command. “Agencies” cannot do this; only people can. Names. We need names.
And for the love of God, if we have learned anything from the IRS debacle, would House Oversight please subpoena TSA’s e-mails, documents, phone logs. etc. before they too go missing?
Kudos to Breitbart for unearthing this story. Journalists at every news agency should be swarming all over this. If there are any left.
Demonstrating clearly how effective the TSA deems its own policies to be.
Obviously they are doing this to assist with the infiltration of ISIS fighters into the US. The ISIS has clearly stated that attacking the US on our own soil must be done before they attack Israel. The timing is not coincidental.