If there is a ballistic missile war with Israel the IAF will be in for some very busy times and the results are likely to be very negative for any Muslims involved. Some how I imagine the Saudis view such a contingency with delight.
I looked into the technology of these missiles, and I was amazed at how crude some of these missiles are. They are basically armed metal-cased fireworks. Too bad Israel has to spend 500 times as much money to shoot one down as it costs to make one of these. They need a laser.
No doubt the Israeli Air Force will do well and do its very best to defend the country. But consider the strategic reality. If Israel faces hard line hostile opponents armed with say 1,000 ballistic missiles scattered over thousands of square miles of territory, how can it defend against a coordinated attack? Also very costly. A modern jet fighter can cost over $50 million each and a pilotless missile less than $1 million each. Also not at all certain that defensive measures such as Iron Dome can stop a critical number before severe devastation and causalities. Solutions?
“If there is a ballistic missile war with Israel. . ..”
I hope Israel has a huge, secure stockpile of their missile-killing missiles. Who has their back?
Consider that one side is aiming for genocide, and another is trying to minimize damage to noncombatants. Who will win?