Now you sound like a feminist objecting to the Hobby Lobby decision.
Predicating public assistance on the use of contraception is not the same thing as saying people can't have children.
People can still have those children but they shouldn't expect someone else to support them.
Really? You are accusing ME of sounding like the feminists who oppose Hobby Lobby? I've been called a lot of things on here, but hearing that I'm supporting the feminist pro-abortion agenda is certainly a new one.
Predicating public assistance on the use of contraception is not the same thing as saying people can't have children.
EVERY argument eugenicists has included an assurance that it wasn't going to be as bad as their opponents said. They say things like it will be "safe and legal and rare."
Ultimately, the result is always MUCH WORSE than what the opponents of the eugenicists feared.
Don't despair though, you've basically gotten your way all along. Big Murder places their abortuaries almost exclusively in poor, inner city areas. The poor and minorities are far more likely to murder their babies than more white and more affluent women.