Let me guess, skin color would probably factor into how you would determine this.
I know it's unpopular around here,
Yes it is, after all, this is a PRO-LIFE forum...not Stormfront.
I think it's time to consider linking contraception to receipt of government benefits and maybe even providing contraception to teens in schools where a parental presence is lacking.
Is this your way of saying, "Three generations of imbeciles is enough"?
Looks like we have a eugenicist on this forum.
Let’s think about the premise that a person who is receiving money from the government also needs permission from the government to have children.
What about government employees? Per capita, they receive much more than welfare beneficiaries. They are highly motivated to support the expansion of government spending and control, for their own benefit. And, while many are honest, hardworking, and qualified in their line of work, even those people are often doing jobs that have no constitutional sanction and actively harm the country: the entire Department of Education, for example.
What about military personnel? Shouldn’t they need permission to become mothers or fathers?
Oh I get it. You think it’s only “them blacks” that receive government benefits and have children they can’t afford.