I'm already there as much that's happening behind the scenes is not readily known by most. ....and it's worse than we know.
Was reading about illegal aliens being deported who are signing their children over to ‘One” woman to keep them here in the US. And it's legal. She has over 800 kids scattered throughout in various places...and this started by her before the influx we see now.
She is also a foreigner....and there are others like her. Foundations are set up who donate to care for these kids as well as those who fall under our welfare system....so we are already funding these foreign workers who are intent on seeing kids of illegals remain here until the laws are again changed so the parents can return...”Amnesty”.
I image the ‘legal immigrants’ here are also contributing to keep the kids here...there's enough of them here now to take care of those coming in....I read in San Diego they've set up donation sites for clothing etc. for the kids and mothers coming in. Eventually they'll play the system to accommodate their people.....they know it well...they've been at it for a long while/p>
Does any Freeper know anyone who “works” for the Feds in Homeland Security? It would be interesting to hear what the lower level tyranny enforcers think of their task.