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To: Finny
....”NOW if we stand up, we will at least have our numbers. We have to believe in our fellow Americans”....

It's very nice what you've stated in your post...but does not express the reality of our nation at this time.

You mentioned that the trajectory of our nation is “Happily reversible and likely to reverse in the normal course of events.”..... I can't agree ...the events we are seeing taking place among our youth, within our governance, and among our peoples is anything but “Normal” for this once great nation. In fact the downhill slope has escalated both in speed and much without opposition to even slow it down...and this includes the mindset of our youth.

Then you stated further......”People mature, the smart ones become smarter more conservative... Knowledge is power”.
If that is the case then we would not be, nor would the generation be, where it is today, and the years it continued to decay prior.

Knowledge alone is exactly what the Liberal/Progressives run on....that with lip service of faith in God. ..and they control our educational institutions and much of our governance now....Additionally Turning the tide of this nation is not about evolving Finny, it's about a “desire” within that wants to understand, that wants to know....and that is not the case for much of our youth or the adult citizen today. Obama being elected for a second term evidences this.....there are not enough “smarter” ones to offset the “idiots”. If we were the majority he wouldn't have even been in the running to begin with let alone re-elected. takes “work” to be involved and make a difference, and not just a few but the majority to turn this ship. Those willing to work appear to be those who want this nation to be “something else” marked and framed into something it is not. And that is because they do not know the difference....nor appreciate it if they do.

As to taking a stand.....’the will’ to do so must be there and the light which will fire that up.....that light is not something man can ignite himself or it's a false flame with false motives which will always burn in the wrong direction. C.S. Lewis says it well......“Moral collapse follows upon spiritual collapse” and a nation falls entirely when these two go, just as we are witnessing today.

You are right to say neither party wants to make the necessary changes....but then how can they when the system itself is completely fractured, corrupted and anything but interested in the American people?

It would be fair to say that perhaps it needs to fall so we can clean up the mess and start over.....however I don't see that as happening either. Too many will simply continue to shore it up so they too can benefit with all that Washington affords those who serve there.

I do not have your optimism because that is not what will change this nation from the direction it's will take a united front and that still remains to be seen in this country now very much divided among itself....I don't see that changing, just the opposite..the divisions multiply.....

112 posted on 07/06/2014 12:36:21 PM PDT by caww
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To: caww
......“Moral collapse follows upon spiritual collapse” and a nation falls entirely when these two go, just as we are witnessing today.

Of course that is true. A large part of spiritual collapse is giving up on young people just because they have been brainwashed by government education.

126 posted on 07/06/2014 1:03:47 PM PDT by Finny (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -- Psalm 119:105)
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To: caww; All
You seem to assume Americans of a certain age or background don't recognize and value their freedom. You have lost faith in your fellow Americans and their capacity for moving right spiritually and morally as they get older and wiser.

You apparently deny your unknown compatriots the benefit of the doubt. You accept the distorted misleading portrait of your fellow countrymen that pop culture and the MSM projects, and when the minority left, using office holders elected by fraud, must seize power of education to brainwash America's kids while they're young and vulnerable, you throw up your arms in defeat and lecture hopeful REALISTS like me about spirituality and moral collapse.

You appear to surrender spiritually. You surrender because you believe that your fellow Americans are too immature and hopeless to put it right. I think you are demoralized based on the false perception a minority has you mired in by way of the MSM, vote fraud, and brainwashing of young minds, MANY OF WHICH WILL GROW OLDER AND SMARTER regardless of how they're brainwashed or who their parents are. Humans love freedom, especially American humans.

144 posted on 07/06/2014 2:15:10 PM PDT by Finny (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -- Psalm 119:105)
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To: caww
Obama being elected for a second term evidences this....

Perhaps, but perhaps we underestimate the sheer magnitude of the vote fraud involved.

The hallmark of this administration is found in their willingness to perform outrageous and unthinkable acts on an immense scale. These events have been so outrageous, that those who point them out are easily dismissed as kooks, "crackpots", or "wild-eyed conspiracy theorists" by the lapdog media, who are willing accomplices, either to retain access to power, or are true believers in the agenda. To them any means are justified by their ends.

360 posted on 07/07/2014 3:57:48 AM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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