It will take 20 years to recover from Obama and his goons. Wait til the day when no one will loan us money and we will have to sell off land to pay the interest. My bigest fear is massive inflation that will bankrupt us quick. After that—the rise of a “Leader” to set things right-—A facist America.
It will take 20 years to recover from Obama and his goons.
We don’t have 20 years..we don’t have 2 years. obamalamadingdong is about to end what we affectionately refer to as America. The ramped up invasion of illegals is merely a way to overwhelm the “system” so that eventually, in a couple of months, he will sign an executive order granting amnesty to all who enter and our infrastructure will collapse under the weight. We can’t pay the bills now, how in the hell can we support 12 million + new goobers..the lines on the graph have crossed..This all rests at the feet of the GOP..losers, one and all.