On July 4 a plane carrying illegal aliens arrived in San Diego from Texas just before 7pm.[1]
Discounting major commercial carriers scheduled flights, a review of flights arriving in San Diego from Texas between 6pm and 7pm[2] turns up flight Xtra 112[3] operated by XTRA Airways[4]. XTRA Airways specializes in charter flights.
Is appears this airline is chartering flights for the transport of illegal aliens. Watch this airline for future activity.
[1] http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Immigrant-Plane-Lands-July4-San-Diego-265844431.html
[2] http://flightaware.com/live/airport/KSAN/arrivals?;offset=0;order=actualarrivaltime;sort=DESC
[3] http://flightaware.com/live/flight/CXP112
[4] http://www.xtraairways.com/
Great work. Helps with our planning Thanks!