Thank God for those willing to take a stand, this post may not become reality.
“It’s too late. They are here. They will file for asylum. In six months they will green cards. For each one taxpayers will provide for them
First they beg, now they demand, they want to be the “Dreamers” they are not employable, no education and no language skills. Their dream is to enjoy the benefits of this country because they are “language disabled” The USA boat has already sunk and we only have rafts left, we can not rescue those who are in the water or else when we add more people to our raft, we will all sink.”
This guy has been on top of the border issue for a long time.
1. All Agents should bring a second set of clothes (Including socks and shoes) to the station. Change clothes prior to going home so that you can minimize the chances of infecting any of your family or friends.
a. We will be looking into getting coveralls or some other form of outer clothing for agents.
b. We will also be looking for a way to launder your clothing so that you dont have to take it home.
c. Place clothing in a plastic trash bag and take directly from the bag to the washing machine.
d. If possible we recommend showering at the station after each shift before going home.
2. All agents should get tested for TB in order to ensure you have a baseline.
a. We will be working with the agency to get occupational health out to provide testing.
b. In the meantime go to your personal health care provider and get TB test done.