How rare is it for a senior advisor to administrations of both parties to admit that his advice was wrong? And to recommend a change of course in our policy when the wrong decision had a chance to be corrected?
This admission alone makes Mr. Khedery article worth reading. The original policy to go into Iraq was supported by most of the politicians of both parties and we have to live with it, not continue to debate it as though history can be changed and blame assessed.
It’s clear to me, as it is detailed by Mr. Khedery, that we made a wrong choice on Maliki and perhaps had a chance to retrieve it before we packed up and left the country, giving up any leverage or influence we might have had.
Well we had McNamara telling all if we kept pouring money and troops into Vietnam, we would win and at the same time claiming we were winning. Later to regret it all. Those who want war find a way to screw the country.
Happy Fourth when leaders put their own life on line.
Colin Powell told President Bush “we go in Iraq, we break the fine China, we get to keep it”