Typical of the Serbs.
One for King of Great Britain, the other for the Kaiser of the German Empire.
We stupid Europeans have been doing this crap for 4,000 Years.
As this song proves its a waste to what they are facing now.
To save Europe during the Two World Wars they had to call on their Expelled sons that were sent to America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa to save them.
WWI was the great self-destructive horror of Western Civilization from which neither the West nor Christianity have ever recovered. To celebrate the humanoid monster that started it is the depth of obscenity.
Its as if the Romans erected a statue of Attila the Hun That man began the destruction of European civilization.
What began as a religious war, kind of like the Crimean war.
Orthodox assassinates Catholic. Orthodox Serbs feel oppressed, call on Mother Russia for help. Russia mobilizes, Germany declares war on Russia.
And the grandchildren of Queen Victoria slug it out with each other, and manage to get the USA involved, even though Woodrow Wilson was re-elected on a platform of “HE KEPT US OUT OF WAR!”
Some see Princip as a hero, others see him as a zero, but for all intent and purposes, if he did not trigger WWI, something else most likely would. Even so, I remember in 2000, I thought Princip, not Einstein, should have been the Man of the 20th Century, just look at what his two bullets started and we are still dealing with the fallout today.
Could happen again. In Ukraine.