On a positive note, thanks to,Soros’ $BILLION campaign against Bush and the “failed” war in Iraq, over a decade ago, the abuse of the US military by Obama, is limited. I would hate for my son to be deployed under this manchurian Commander in Chief doing Qatar’s bidding. It would be absolutely shameless for Obama who promised to bring back the troops, to take “neocon” “warmongering” actions for a much less grievious offense than that of 9/11.
Americans have a president beholden to something other than the American people, but the rest of the world has much more to fear than we do. China has the largest investment in oil rigs in Iraq, most nations have fragile economies that will go into oil shock if prices rise. EU is completely dependent on Russian energy, and Russia has allegiance with the cartels. The African killings of entire villages and anyone Christian, by Islamists, is a future possibility for many countries, with Muslim populations that exceed native ones in many cities. UAE nations have groomed and coddled their little Islamic Revolutionaries, and they they are independently wealthy monsters thanks to the drug trade. They will turn on the caliphates in a Dubai minute. I have doubt they bought and paid for Obama via Soros and other bankers. They will pay a heavy price and their is no reason for our boys to defend them.
Thanks to foreign operatives such as Soros who slandered and maligned the actions of former President Bush and install their candidate over a decade ago, it wont be American military getting killed to stop a monster too many nations and institutions were complicit with.
If Obama wants to send troops back there to protect the world from 25 year old sarin gas leaking out of old shells, he will be laughed back to wherever he came from.