If Hillary said to sacrifice a goat on an alter to her every day at noon, I assure you my brother would sacrifice a goat on an alter to her every day at noon. No questions asked. Period.
Those are his feelings about Obama as well.
No offence, but I think people misread what liberals are capable of.
Your bother's in a newsroom where everyone agrees with him... it's a 'politics as fashion statement' work environment. If his co-workers are wearing blue jeans to work, your bother's not going to wear a suit. On the other hand if they're wearing suits, your bother's not going to wear jeans.
It's part of the 'New York Times' playbook.
This isn't to put your brother down... liberals have a strong need to 'fit in' and he's a liberal. Probably a nice person. Maybe even charming.
Ever wonder how those well spoken, educated Germans could have rounded up their fellow humans beings and put them in ovens? Wonder no more...
That said Verbosus - we have to make sure we're not doing the same thing here - there's times when it's easier to join the conservative group think than to stand alone. So even though liberals have it much worse than we do it's something we have to monitor within ourselves too. And since your brother came from the same family as you there's a good chance he doesn't totally buy all that stuff... Have faith.