There were not intended as co-equal branches. The Federalist papers clearly indicate Congress’ primacy, with the Judicial Branch the weakest.
Quite a change.
You are correct .. because the founders’ logic was .. the Congress WAS ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE. All the rest were APPOINTED by the person in the WH. Congress is the only branch who can subpoena a member of another branch. This should explain how badly the Congress has been demoted - simply because they lack the backbone to DO THEIR JOB. If your feelings get hurt easily .. the Congress is no place for you; sadly, we have too many touchy-feely congress-people.
And .. how many people even know that when the Supreme Court makes a ruling .. THE CONGRESS CAN VOTE AGAINST THE RULING AND OVERTURN IT ..?? We no longer have enough spines in Congress to do it. It assumes the Court is the be all, end all .. and you can’t go against it. PHOOEY!!!
The President is the only person in the Executive Branch who is elected .. while we’ve always had presidential wives who have been given opportunities to “rule” in some way.
Therefore, the President does not have the right to ORDER the other branches to do or not do anything.
And .. I hope there’s some enterprising Congress person who will invest in a hidden camera .. just to show the President that he doesn’t have the power to control.