On please, SoCon.
* Close and seal the Southern US Border, all 2,000 + miles of it.
* Cancel NAFTA.
* Abolish all Federal, State and Local Welfare payments to non-citizens of the USA.
* Block all money transfers to Mexico, or other any Country South of our Southern Border.
* Have lunch.
* After lunch, pass and sign Federal Penalty law to anyone who hires an Illegal Alien Invader, with a fine of $1,000 per day per alien.
* String Concertina Wire Holding-Pen Stockades at 100 mile intervals for the gotta-ways.
* Be as hostile to Mexicans as the Mexicans have been to the US Marine held and tortured in Prison by the Mexican Guards for the last two months.
* Hire Greyhound Bus Company to transport Illegal Alien Invaders to Sheriff Joe Arpaios Chain Link Desert Spa near Phoenix, Arizona.
* Have supper.
Very pleased.