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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Now listen to me! Send back your fellow countrymen you have taken as prisoners, for the LORD’s fierce anger rests on you.” 2 Chron 28:11

My sources inside the White House have given an interesting timeline of how and why the Bergdahl release happened the way it did. This was a bigger strategy to appease the Muslim Brotherhood by releasing some of their key people and satisfy the anti-Gitmo crowd. Inside sources say this really got in motion a couple weeks before Memorial Day. Everyone was called to the Oval Office and had to wait for an extra long prayer session to end when Valarie Jerrett called the meeting to order and announced they would be putting together a surprise visit to Trashcanistan over Memorial Day to really stick it in the backs of our soldiers.

Nobody in the room knew why they were going to Kabul, but she laid out the basics of the plans she had leading up to the release. Apparently, the CIA director of Kabul was dead set against the idea so they decided to accidentally release his name to the press and have him silenced and replaced by one of their own to make the deal happen. They would also take an additional fifty million in walking around cash to pay off the Taleeeban to go along with the release of Bergdahl. This money would of course be used for the improvement of villages and especially those air defense and weapon parts of the village.

So the plan was put in place and he went to Kabul where he put on the Bush routine like he was trying to excite the troops when in reality he was seriously undermining their mission. Apparently, President Karzai did not go along with releasing the leaders of the Taleeeban since his neck was the one on the line so he snubbed the invitation knowing what was coming. They pleaded with him to show and make the photop complete, but Hamid sent him a letter accusing the President of massive corruption by showing the troops he cared while emboldening their enemies at the same time. He explained how the troops were now going to be targets for capture and negotiation for the terrorists and this was a reckless move. Apparently, there are some things even Karzai will not do?

There were also meetings while they were in Kabul with the Mooselimb Brotherhood directly with Jarrett and their leaders to install a coalition gummit between the Brotherhood and the Taliban. They will be calling this the Afghan Spring 2.0 and have great hope for the overthrow of the Karzai regime within days of our withdrawal if not before. They were also the negotiators with the Taliban for the release of our prisoners while Jarrett was actually on the ground. She was trying to have them take twenty but could only get them to agree to a maximum of five. Once she had those details taken care of she simply turned off the teleprompter, loaded him back in the plane and flew home for the final details of the release.

When they got back to the US they were met with the VA death lists blowing up in their faces. She knew that they would eventually be found out, but they believed it was a brilliant way to lower costs and these were not real people anyway. After all, they were only old worn out soldiers that had no redeeming value to elitists like her who have been oppressed by an unfair White privilege system. So what if they stop treatments for people who were going to likely die after the treatment anyway, so save the money for those who were younger.

When that turned against them, they decided to move the release date forward and get all the accolades for bringing home a POW. Of course he was a deserter which made the release all that much better for the administration. This was like releasing a POW who was also a anti-war protester to bring back the anti-Bush crowd and fire up his worshipers.

They believed their rabid anti-American allies in the media and other Marxist activist groups would be rejoicing and put them back on track as champions of the little guy. Unfortunately for them, they got Swift Boated and his fellow soldiers spoke out and explained what a dirtbag he was. Yes, they had reports he searched out the Taleeeban and explained how to compromise our tactics, but he was going to be the next Yawn Kerry and have the Marxists all rallying around them. That idea got torpedoed by some of his platoon mates who reminded enough Americans of what loyalty and trust was about and how important that is in the military.

Americans remembered back to a time before Obama when being an American meant something noble and this event brought that memory back to their minds and have now dismissed this as another incompetent move by a corrupt and incompetent President.

Jarrett and Co have gone to their favorite playbook of vilifying the American soldiers, but that page has been used like Bear Bryant calling the halfback off right tackle. Sure they came up with the catchphrase, “Leave no man behind,” but tell that to Ambassador Stevens and the soldiers in Benghazi making it sound more like, “this man is covering my behind!

His problem now is when he gets into his sanctimonious lecture mode people are beginning to ax what have you accomplished. It is easy to lecture when everyone assumes you know what you’re talking about and expect results it is another when everyone knows you an absolute joke and a bad one at that. This may be the least effect CEO to ever occupy the oval office by leaps and bounds. When the deal was announced of trading one deserter for five very dangerous terrorists for no apparent reason it just underlined to the world that this bozo just is not and never has been ready for prime time. Now whenever he starts to lecture America how unfair or corrupt it is most Americans will be thinking talk is cheap, but he has nothing to show he can back all those words up.

My sources say the White House is basically in meltdown mode as internal polls are in a free fall. They were expecting a bit of a bump and some hoping their media could spin this into a Bin Laden victory and get the other scandals off the news and it is just the opposite. They are furious at the soldiers who came forward and knowing this has made a bad situation even worse. Everyone except the President knows he is now a pariah to the party. It is one thing if you are a bad CEO for GM or a Wall Street bank where all that is damaged is your company. When you can’t pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel and you are the President of the United States, the world’s safety and health is endangered. Now the world has to fight for survival over the next three years while this corrupt know nothing stumbles from one crisis to the next hoping he doesn’t cause a world disaster.

Pray America wakes up

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 06/08/2014 4:49:38 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: Alas Babylon!


I like your post....wondering who your WH sources are. I’d like to cultivate a few.

I don’t believe this Bergdahl thing was part of an effort to improve PR due the VA scandal.

I believe the administration paid big bucks to the Hokkani tribe, forgive my get Bergdahl back just to fill the Democratic coffers with cash for the upcoming mid-term elections.

They know the peeps are going to vote against them big time. The Democrats told Obama that they’re going to start dropping him big time so Obama(Jarrett) told them that their election coffers would soon be full, hang in there.

They knew the Bergdahl story would come out. Oh I’ve no doubt that they planned to play it up, to make like they were releasing a hero.

But it was all to get money for the Democrats, I don’t know how they’re laundering the money. They were using the VA to launder money, other methods right under our nose.

I think they were desperate to keep the Democrats from bolting so they pulled this stunt and paid money for Bergdahl and GOT money for those five terrorists, I don’t know from where but that’s how the deal went as I see it.

What do they have to lose? Obama is now a lame duck and he knows he will never be impeached, even if he raped a boy scout on national TV.

They never cared for America’s safety. What boob would announce when they will withdraw from hostilities....what idiot does this? Big Arab oil money pouring into Democratic coffers cause the Mooselimbs want to take over the world.

The administration knows the Republicans won’t do anything. Lindsay Graham, you got to smile, came out and said, I am not making this up, that if Obama does this AGAIN there will be impeachment proceedings.

Say what?

Why must he do it AGAIN? Why are there not impeachment proceedings now?

Not saying it’s the thing to do but every abuse woman or man, even Ruling Class slick-haired, spit-shined shoe Republicans, reaches a height when they will take no more.

One of these days the Republicans will take a stand cause guys, there’s a slew of things they can do.

And yet all they do is threaten impeachment for the NEXT time.

9 posted on 06/08/2014 5:09:43 AM PDT by Fishtalk (Join me on Facebook-
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To: bray

I guess I remain in the minority of believing 0zero is not as smart as many believe.

One really interesting revelation you write is that money was involved in the release of Bergdahl. I hope that gets verified at some point. Rumors alluded to that but I have not seen it verified. What I heard was we had a choice of trading people or money for Bergdahl and chose to give them the five terrorists. If we gave money as well, that’s even worse since we didn’t have to do it.

18 posted on 06/08/2014 5:35:49 AM PDT by Morgan in Denver (Democrats: The party of unintended consequences.)
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To: bray

Also meant to comment. Swiftboating for Democrats suggests lies were told to hurt a candidate or liberal. Swiftboating for conservatives means something different. It means the truth came out to expose the lies the swiftboated person was claiming.

Putting out the truth is what happened to Kerry and it’s what’s happening now to Bergdahl. Who to believe? 0bama, Valerie Jerrett or Susan Rice or the guys who served with Bergdahl? It’s not difficult, I’ll go with the guys who were there and not the spin-meisters in the White House who are proven liars.

20 posted on 06/08/2014 5:51:07 AM PDT by Morgan in Denver (Democrats: The party of unintended consequences.)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
Great piece as usual buddy.Haven't read your book yet but I will. Hope sales are good.

I was so glad to see your many references to Valerie(val/jar) Jarrett taking over the reigns of the job of potus. Many of us have speculated that she is the point man and always has been.

I've read quite a bit on "the Bowe/crazy ol' man/four major terror types one minor trade story."

One thing that keeps popping up in what I have read goes sort of like this.

It was actually the Haqqani terror group that stole Bowe from some locals as they are always out to make a fast buck and saw him as a vehicle. The two groups Haqqani/Taliban are different but are allies.

The Haqqani number about 10-15,000 and originated in the 70's with their founder Jahaludin Haqqani. He received a bit or notoriety by mentoring none other than OBL during the Afghani war with the Ruskies. He also go lots of training and bucks from our CIA in the 80's as Russia slowly lost their asses to groups like the Taliban and Haqqani.

Fast forward to today and the Haqqanis are now run defacto by Jallaludin's son Sirajuddin who is every bit as slick as the father.

These guys have emissaries in Riyadh who constantly suck up Saudi oil bucks in the name of terror and sharia. In addition they have their own legit businesses,are active in playing the protection racket with smaller businesses, are always on the lookout to make a quick buck and are often described as 80% Soprano and 20% terrorists.If you stop and think about it if you transplanted the Chicago thugocracy into Afghanistan you would get the Haqqani. They are so alike.

Anyway its very possible that the Haqqani held Bowe boy and negotiated the deal that got them quite possibly the 50 million you suggest. My guess is the Haqqani kept the dough and eagerly gave up the four main terror types and one little leaguer to other Taliban types in Qatar. That would kick up their prestige in the area even more than it already is.That never hurts when you have so many head cutters in one area.

They are undoubtedly still celebrating over in Qatar with ten year ol' boys being passed around while they shoot AK's into the air whooping it up terror style. One high ranking Pakistani official once described terror types in the region as we are stuck with the crazies and Afghanistan has the Haqqani an obvious reference to their many skills.

So its quite likely that Jarrett negotiated a 50 million buck five terror type deal for our one deserter.She then tried to ginn up a big PR moment for the won and then sent him packing quickly before the crap hit the fan.

21 posted on 06/08/2014 5:57:07 AM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
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To: Alas Babylon!

67 posted on 06/08/2014 7:04:41 AM PDT by Rome2000
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To: bray

MANY thanks, Greg, for the latest “Bray.”

Will Barky promote Eddie Slovik posthumously to “Sergeant?”

123 posted on 06/08/2014 10:24:51 AM PDT by CDB
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