Is that a real magazine cover, or a photoshop?
Oops—just saw “The Looking Spoon” logo in the corner.
No he’s just too much of a fagggg!!
The Boehner-funded, Commander in Chief Obamas latest Grand Bargain is assign the US Military to mercilessly attack the Settled Science of the Climate Change Weapon of Mass Destruction.
This Grand Bargain Announcement by Commander in Chief Obama was greeted by the 2014 Graduation Class at West Point with a 25 % standing ovation.
IOW, a future 75 % reduction in force of the newly commissioned Army officers from West Point.
Over the years, Doormat Republican Speaker Boehner has been able to fund all of the Democrats Commander in Chief Obamas Military decisions.
Speaker Boehner has thus been essential to helping Obama to lead from the bottom of a Socialist, Group Hug, Hell Hole.
Speaker Boehner should indeed be in line for a promotion by Arrogant Commander in Chief Obama.
Over the years, Boehner has doubled the taxpayer dollars sent to the failed Veterans Administration.
The rumor that a grateful, but still Arrogant, Obama is considering promoting Boehner to be in charge of the Veterans Administration has yet to be confirmed.