Never trust a woman? called Studley.
Abolish the Education Dept. - it’s worse than useless.
Hey academic pinheads, its governments right and duty to judge and punish me, my company, possessions, wealth, political affiliation, religious beliefs and health care...but not yall?
Government ratings aren’t what is rattling the schools - it is the threat of the inability to get federally backed student loans if they don’t toe the fed’s line.
Heh heh heh.
Even the academes are so stupid—they thought the snake would NEVER bite THEM...”We’re his FRIEND,” they thought...”We have indoctrinated an entire two generations or more in the socialist mindset, doing our best to chip away any parental influence or Christian upbringing...we have taught kids that morality is FLEXIBLE...even NON-EXISTENT, and that government is the answer to all problems. Why would he turn on US?”
They should rate the degrees. Women’s history degree vs Engineering. Urban study degree vs Biology. They should tell the students as an example, that the average student with a degree in Art History after graduating gets a job making X amount of dollars. The student can then make a choice. Is it worth it for me to get this degree, or should I choose another field.
"But...but...but...there must be no winners and losers in an egalitarian society. No school should be rated higher than another. A rating system should not even be considered. The psychological damage to students in a lower-rated school would be incalculable. Ratings are elitist.
If a little league team is winning 15-0 after 5 innings, the game must be called. Same with colleges and universities. One school must not score higher academically than others. All must be equal in "ratings"...or don't rate at all. So just forget this nonsense.
We must not judge others, anyhow.
All professors must earn equal pay. Similarily, class grades for students must be abolished so no psyches are permanently damaged.
Dodgeball should not be permitted in campus gyms. Getting nailed in dodgeball is even worse than an F in Womyn's Studies or getting a possible low scholastic rating from the federal government. We don't need more losers in dodgeball or in anything. Either everyone is a loser or no one is.
College presidents, administrators, educators and students of the nation, arise! No capitalistic "rating" competition within or between institutes of higher learning! No "seeding" system like we are hick professional tennis players!
NO MORE GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE IN ACADEMIA AND INSIDE OUR IVIED WALLS....oh, wait a minute, oh my...oh, oh.......what am I saying......oh, oh......what to do, what to do.....the grants, the grants.....oh, oh...."