Is open Carry of pistols legal under the Tx Constitution?
I thought there was an exception in the constitution about that.
Personally, open carry is not my cup of tea, but that is a personal choice
When I first moved to Tx, there was a rifle and a shotgun in a rack on every pickup in the state.
No skin off my nose, but I would not display the stuff
AZ is an open carry state and it suits me fine
Now they got the feds shutting that down on national land, which is most of Az.
The legislature can make laws about it. And have, since Reconstruction.
Dewhurst needs to go, so open carry can have a chance.
I love concealed carry, but I'm a little guy, less than 120 lbs, and to carry anything larger than a Jennings .22 is very uncomfortable for me, especially in summer.
I want to be able to open carry so that I CAN carry comfortably and legally. I like large hunks of steel in the 1911 format. I can't carry those concealed. Not and be able to walk, anyway....