Social Engineering=the promotion of homosexuallity, global warming, and drug legalization are example of social engineering. It was bought and paid through marketing, research papers, PR,Hollywood movie messages etc.
It is all a big lie, intended to give more power and money to the 1% and the government that supports them. The media is 99% compromised. Nothing can or should be trusted.
Benghazi, Arab Spring, Egypt, Fast and Furious, Syria, is all about helping the cartels. The media silence is deafening. Nothing is said about Wall Street banks, the 1%, laundering $billions for the cartels.
The SEC sees no evil while Wall Street banks such as Wachovia were known to launder $BILLIONS in cartel money.
JP Morgan openly launders money in cities such as Caracas, Venezuela. Chavez turned that nation into one of the biggest drug distributors of the world. The people have no toilet paper, but they have plenty of cocaine.
Americans have no idea we have an opiate addiction epidemic and pure heroin is FLOODING the streets. All while the drug legalization campaign, funded by Soros has people demanding drugs. It was all about heroin from the very beginning. Iran funded Chavez campaign, and he turned Venezuela into the biggest distributor in the world, using his military planes and personnel. Obama has turned us into a narco nation as well.
Heroin is flooding world markets, and everything is a fatce.
“Americans have no idea we have an opiate addiction epidemic and pure heroin is FLOODING the streets.”
You’re right, I didn’t. Where did you find that information?