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To: Norm Lenhart

“You just trashed your whole argument. You say there is no NA in Africa then give one.”

Those stores of chromium are secure. So, it is a stable free market. No national interest, unless that situation would change.

“you say there is no NA in south America as tens of thousands of their people fleeing communism there pass through Mex and come here illegally.”

That is a domestic issue that I’m sure we agree on. We could stop the flow if we wanted to, from our side of the fence. The elites in both Parties do not wish to. It is not a foreign policy issue, though.

“you call nation building a folly (rightly) then continue to argue for nation building in the Ukraine.”

I don’t think you will find me arguing for nation building. Financial aid is not nation building. Nation building implies a comprehensive and hands on approach. We give little to Ukraine.

“Where exactly has Russia confronted us at ANY time?”

Giving BMD to our allies, provocations to artificially inflate the price of energy worldwide. Alliances to oppose the US. Cuba, Venezuela, N.Korea, Syria, Iran, to name a recent few. Espionage, spying, subversion. Consistently agrees to treaties and then violates them. etc. etc.

92 posted on 04/30/2014 6:19:16 PM PDT by rbmillerjr (Russians to the Left of me, Useful Idiots to the Right...)
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To: rbmillerjr

I would love to see one ‘secure’ inch of Africa with all the tribal/racial and religious upheaval. Nothing there is secure. Never was secure, never will be secure.

SA is absolutely a natsec issue. those illegals are wrecking this economy and there are plenty of terrorists among them. ICE even admits that.

FA is nation building otherwise what do they need the cash for? They are using it to do something on the national level as long as it is in accordance with what we want them to do. That is by definition nation building.

Last paragraph...You just described American foreign policy under obama. you realize that right?

95 posted on 04/30/2014 6:24:56 PM PDT by Norm Lenhart (How's that 'lesser evil' workin' out for ya?)
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